Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just a reminder,  the new period to file objections will begin on Wednesday, March 23, when the public notice is published, and will run through Thursday, April 7.

Are you wondering if your well is affected?  (According to their flawed model which fails to take in underground topography, as well as many other things)

Located below is the affected well spreadsheet list from DNRC. Please note, that for whatever reason, it does not contain all the affected wells. Searchable in MS Excel or Open Office Calc.

(Note: If you have an IPad, click on the arrow that you see displayed)

Otherwise just click on the live link below...
Affected Wells Here


  1. Thanks for the heads-up!

  2. We live in the Wakewood Acres Homeowners' Association which is located south of Many Lakes, and the western edge of our neighborhood is about 1.5 miles east of the intersection of Highway 35 and Lindsey Lane. This intersection is about 2 miles east of the Creston Bottling Plant. We are a community covering about 450 acres, with 47 tracts, owned by 40 families. Our wells range in depth from 60 to 900 feet, with the majority between 100 and 200 feet. One of these wells ran dry in 2015. While we understand that the DNRC has surveyed and studied the valley aquifer, we have heard that no study of the aquifer of these foothills that we live in have been studied or surveyed. Many of our wells draw from clear water channels of a few to several feet, and we very concerned about how a draw down of 213 million gallons per year could or will affect our access to water. As our wells were drilled, we learned from the drillers that once the blue clay in this area was found, there was no guarantee that we would find any water below that level. Some of us have blue clay bottoms at the bottoms of our clear water channels. We are concerned that blindly allowing water levels to fall in the highly variable aquifer in this area would result in a considerably negative impact on the availability of our water, which we now use and must have to live in our homes.
